Lumbumbashi, The Democratic Republic of Congo, February 27 – 28 – The Governments of the Republic of Zambia (Zambia) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) engaged in comprehensive bilateral discussions in Lubumbashi, DRC, to further refine the design and operational aspects of the bridge and one-stop border post facilities integral to the Kasomeno-Mwenda Toll Road project.
Led by delegations from the Agence Congolaise des Grand Travaux (ACGT) and the Zambia Road Development Agency (RDA), the discussions were part of the inaugural meeting of the project’s design committee. Various supporting ministries, authorities and agencies were also represented in this pivotal two-day session.

The program commenced with an introduction from GED Africa, the concessionaire of the Kasomeno-Mwenda Toll Road, where Klaus Findt, CEO stated, “In building a road, we pave the way not just for road users but for economic growth in the region. The one-stop border post is a reminder that this project unites us all as one. And the bridge symbolizes our ability to connec countries, cultures, and communities.” This perspective set the tone for the collaborative efforts ahead.
Key engineering partners, including Rankin and SpecialTerv, showcased their design proposals for the bridge and one-stop border post, outlining the project’s technical intricacies.

Duna Aszfalt presented the Building Information Modelling (BIM). The BIM is a complex integration of processes and tools that enhance efficiencies across all facets of design, construction, maintenance, and building utilization. The project will be the first road construction project in the region to use BIM.
The discussions exemplified the collaborative ethos of the project and the enthusiasm shared by the diverse partners for the forthcoming commencement of major works in April 2024.
About GED Africa Ltd
GED Africa Limited (“GED Africa”) is the investment and project management company of the Kasomeno-Mwenda Toll Road Project (“Project”), which is a ground breaking infrastructure project combining two 25-year Public-Private Partnership concessions between the subsidiaries of GED Africa Ltd and the governments of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Zambia under separate concession agreements.
The Project consists of the following main elements:
- Modernization, construction and expansion of 184km of road highway.
- Construction of a 345m cable-stayed bridge over the border at the Luapula river.
- Construction of a one-stop border posts with accompanying warehousing and parking facilities.
- Delivery of a tolling system and the associated infrastructure and
- Social infrastructure for community development.
About the Project Sponsor, The Duna Group:
The Duna Group is a Hungarian conglomerate that owns several infrastructure development and construction companies. Duna Aszfalt Zrt., is the largest construction division in the Duna Group and is responsible for the execution of some of Hungary’s most innovative infrastructure developments.
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